Coparenting with your ex can be a daunting task. It can be hard to cooperate and to put the needs of your children first. However, with the right tools, co-parenting can be a breeze.
First thing first, create a parenting plan that both you and your Ex agree upon. The parenting plan needs to outline all the basics such as: a time sharing schedule, extra curricular activities, holidays and school breaks, where the children will attend school, notice and information required to be shared if either parent plans to leave the state or country with the child, plans for transporting the children for exchanges., and anything else that you both feel is important. The parenting plan is the Holy Grail when it comes to co parenting with your ex.
After the parenting plan is established, find co-parenting app. There are many different apps that can help you to co-parent with your ex. These apps allow you to communicate with each other, track expenses, and keep track of your children's schedules. Some popular co-parenting apps include Cozi, Our Family Wizard, Coparently, and Talking Parents.
Next, Establish Rules When you are co-parenting with your ex. These rules should include things such as how you will communicate, how you will handle disagreements, and how you will handle finances. Once there are rules agreed upon, follow them at all times.
Some rules that I personally like to be in place are:
1. Be respectful
2. Communicate openly and honestly
3. Practice Flexibility
4. Be cooperative AND
5. Keep the children's needs first AT ALL TIMES
One of the next steps is to establish a schedule. I can not stress enough how important it is to have a schedule. This will help to ensure that the children know what is expected of them and that they will not be caught in the middle of any disagreements between you and your ex. Schedules should be posted in a visible place, should be adhered to as closely as possible, should be updated as needed, should include things such as bedtimes, mealtimes, extracurricular activities, and should cover anything that is important to either parent.
Lastly and most importantly, COMMUNICATE! Communication is key when co-parenting with your ex. You need to be able to communicate effectively in order to make sure that the children are not caught in the middle of any disagreements. Make sure that you have a set way to communicate, such as through a co-parenting app, and that you both stick to it. Don't Let Disagreements Affect the Children. Disagreements between you and your ex should never affect the children. If you start arguing in front of the children, or if you start using them as pawns in your arguments, it will only cause them harm. Try to keep disagreements to a minimum and always try to resolve them in a civil manner.
As always, whenever you are communicating regarding co-parenting with your ex, make sure that you are doing so in a way that is respectful and considerate of the other person. That way everyone feels comfortable and the children will be less likely to feel caught in the middle.
Co-parenting with your ex can be a challenge, but it’s worth it for the sake of your children. With the right tools, you can make it work.
If you need assistance with establishing a parenting plan or communicating with your ex give The Sherer Law Firm a call at (813)b 686-4395 and we will be glad to assist you.